I’m on a gorgeous Spanish beach as my European adventure continues! I’m wearing a black dress with a pink shirt over the top, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on my black Adidas sneakers. Underneath my dress I’m strapped into a beautiful Drynites :) There is a strong warm breeze blowing in from the blue sea, and so I sit down beneath a life guard hut where it is quieter…and this gives me the perfect opportunity to hitch up my dress to flash my Drynites. As I gently stroke the crotch, I can feel my bladder begin to stir, and what better place to empty it than on this amazing beach? ;) I squat down on all fours, and with the camera on the floor and pointing directly at my crotch, I let it all spill out :D A lovely warm jet flows into my Drynites, and you can clearly see the wet stain appear and then grow in size! The Drynites is changing shape as it fills, and when I’m finished, I can’t believe how bulky and bloated it is! When I stand up and readjust my dress, I discover that the dress is covered in sand. But that’s not all…there has been a breach of the Drynites, if you know what I mean? ;) It is so full that a leak has occurred. Tune into the video to take a look ;)
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