Puppy is sitting eagerly and is excited to play with her Master. He teases her by telling her he has a new toy for her, and she's so excited when she sees it. It's a little soft banana toy, and every time her Master thinks she's being too rough with it, he scolds her gently. He uses the tiny banana as an excuse to make her open her mouth up wide several times, showing off her pretty uvula. The puppy is overly excitable and needs to be reined in a few times. He humiliates her lightly making comments about how she needs a bigger toy for her big mouth. He makes her follow the toy this way and that and then letting her lick and suck on it when she's been good. He tells her to beg for the toy. Puppy gets the toy away from her Master with a playful nibble and he takes it back, telling her she's had enough toy for the rest of the day. Sometimes puppies get rambunctious. NOTE: Kitty's port is accessed and visible in the end of the clip.
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