This character will be called The Queen of Tights. She will be the sister of the Pantyhose Queen, and she will be out for revenge for me melting her. The only thing I request you wear is opaque black or brown tights. Whatever you have available to you is fine. Other than that be as creative with the costume as you want. Again the video will be in the POV perspective. The way you had the camera in the last one was perfect. So this time you say there is nothing I can do to destroy you. Because tights are a lot tougher than pantyhose. So you say your going to use your sexy legs to seduce, and then take me out. However I know your weakness is your tights, because that's where your power comes from. But this time it will take more heat to melt you. So I have a secret weapon. it is a gadget on my belt and once I click it, it causes the room to heat up like a sauna. So you start to realize that you and your tights are getting too hot and you start slowly melting. The way you did the melting in the last video was perfect so just do the same thing. Other than the "I'm melting!"dialogue,
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