you lose just a few hundred brain cells when you are under The Spell. It's very specific. And you are a little digital character that I collect, prioritize, and assign numbers too. I talk on and on about how easy it is to own men - and women - with these powerful tits. I get what I want, when I want it, and these boobies help open lots of doors for Me. Listen to Me purr about how I wrap your mind with My ribbons of sensuality, and you'll get lost - dive in - and not quite realize that I'm doing it to you right now. Hear Me talk about "numbers." About My thought processes. It's fucking adorable. Just stare and let all of your power drain from your body and brain. They're even shiny, like bait. This is so basic, but the path to the end is riddled with twists and turns, isn't it? I like it simple and sexy. Get weak for My breasts and send Me money. Easy peasy. Man is the most interesting game, isn't it? While you're bingeing, add these to your cart: Breast men are Easy your dick loves Boobs SEARCH for ALL of My "Tit Worship" videos!
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