You taste better after you cum! Arousal aroma potion! Vore! My huge shiny body upon your tiny body! Huge but sexy monster hungry and you seems so tasty! I heared somewhere that you humans is much tasty after you cumming! So go on tiny weak human, take off your pants and make yourself much tasty for a hungry sexy Giantess Monster! No? You are so fucking scare that you cant feel excited? Fuck! GRRRR ! My dangerouse mouth full of spit when i feel your amazing tasty smell! And you are telling me no? Ok! I have a special poison for humans! Take a sniff! Smell it! Inhale it deep into your small weak body! I will tease you and you will be rock hard for your hungry sexy Monster! My lips ! I see they make you hard! Its a door into the hell Dear! Your hell! My ass and my big tits make you be so close to your last happyness and your last orgasm! I can feel by your smell that your seed is going from your balls up to your tip! Opening my huge mouth with a lot of dangerouse white tease for you to cum on them! Sniff the potion! More and more! It will help you! Feel it? Want to cum? So badly? Desperating to cum? Even if you will be eaten you are still want to cum? My p0pperss potion make you sooo horny! Cum into my mouth! And step to the hell !
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