Sapphire is alone in class reading, she is wearing her very slutty little uniform which has a very short skirt showing off her lovely long legs. You are hiding behind one of the desks, perving on her gorgeousness. However you get a little too cocky and as you try to edge a tiny bit closer she sees you. With a big sigh she stares at you for a moment but then turns away, she really cannot be bothered with your pathetic self right now, she must catch up on her work and you are not worth the effort. She swings her feet up onto the desk making sure her sexy heels block most of your view, intending to ignore you as much as she can. However she can still feel your eyes boring into her, so she makes it clear how she feels by giving you the finger. She continues to read, still ignoring you, trying constantly to block your view with either her high heels, book or folder as you try to move around her to get a better look. You are such a loser, you really have no self-respect whatsoever as you still try your best to perv on her. Eventually Sapphire has had enough, and after a scathing glance slams her folder down and marches off leaving you alone, and most likely with a hard on!
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