This spooktacular mesmerize video is a perfect mix of nurturing and dark. Listen with your headphones on for best audio experience as I take you on a complete journey into the abyss of your mind.<br><br> Transfixed on me, my eyes taking over your entire attention. Yes, you are inferior and you will always be below me. It will never be enough, but you love that I rule and control and life and continue to push you deeper past your boundaries. You always want to do more and more. Your mind is molded by me, and I shape you in my image. I will always be your superior, but you will always strive to do better for me. Your mind tethered to me and the web that I weave in your mind grows stronger and deeper. And as my prey, stuck in my web, you can't escape and I will only wrap you tighter <br><br>Enjoy this video? Send a tribute to show your gratitude and beg for more.
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