White 'men' deserve to be stripped of their rights. The only right you have is to pay me for your white privilege and guilt. Black women enslave and chain you while you stroke like an addict. You are degraded and demoted because you're not even a whole person. You're less than a person, a pathetic slave stripped of their rights, clothing & control. A white bitch. Stupid white males are genetically and physically the inferior race. It is only natural you as a white male subject yourself to the humiliation and degradation you deserve. Being dehumanized, chained, stripped of your rights, clothing, emotions and thoughts. You will be made 3/5ths of a person and taste what slavery feels like under the guide of a True Superior. Black, Brown, and Ebony women are better than you. You'll be chained to my tits and beat up like you deserve and thank me for it.
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