With Dakota Charms! I'm babysitting you, and found a pair of sandals in your Mom's closet that I have to try on. Lacing the straps up my calves, they show off my legs! Your mother's makeup finishes the look and I chat on the phone. We talk about how your Mama is like a sister, but you are a devil. While putting on lipgloss, I recount your expulsion from school for giving your teacher a hoot footer. I'm feeling warm and realize lit matches are between my toes. Hopping on one foot, my feet are in agony! Finding a note from you that threatens to give me more fire between my feet, I challenge that I'm bigger and smarter. Until I fall and slip on a banana peel. While I'm in a crawling position, you place matches between my feet! Putting my feet in the freezer, I get relief. Finding a psychology book, I learn that you're shy and this is crying for attention. It's hard to feel sorry when you post embarrassing pictures on my social media. Humiliated, I vow revenge, but you prank me again. I give up! OTHER KEYWORDS- foot fetish, foot play, humiliation, embarrassment, struggling, hopping, fire fetish, match fetish, damsel in distress, practical jokes, humor, humour, comedy, pranks, sandals, shoe fetish, short shorts, babysitters, brunettes, #FootPlay #Fireplay #MatchLightingFetish #Domestic Service #ShoeFetish @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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