With Dakota Charms! I take off my bedroom slippers and socks before accidentally stepping in a sticky pile of marshmallow glue with my bare feet. My wiggling toes can't escape and when I pull up one foot, the other is stuck in the muck. The pink toenails peek out of the slime and my wrinkled soles are dirty. What marshmallow monster would make me struggle in this goo? I can't go anywhere without sticking to the floor. It's like superglue when it dries! I hope I can escape! OTHER KEYWORDS- wet & messy, wet and messy, WAM, dirty feet, foot fetish, feet, barefoot, barefeet, wrinkled soles, soles, struggling, stuck fetish, brunettes, #Feet #Kink #WrinkledSoles #DirtyFeet #Soles @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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