WARNING: May cause dizziness and loss of funds. Listen to My sweet voice while you slip away with Me. This interactive clip will have you sipping your night away into My control as you send tip after tip with some fun interactive tasks. Be sure to pace yourself! I want to sip with you all night long. My best boys will be able to complete all of My tasks. INSTRUCTIONS: Keep your bottle ready and your shot glass filled to take your shot when directed. For take a full shot and refill when directed. For, pour your into the shot glass to take and refill when directed. For more fun, take a sip anytime I play with My braid OR show the bottom of My feet. You must pause the clip for at least 15-20 minutes or longer to do a task and to pace each shot. If you need to stop at any time, you may skip ahead to 11:40 for the last shot and task of the clip. Have fun! (By buying this clip, you understand and agree that I am not liable for the consumption of of any person below legal age or the over-consumption of by any person of legal age
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