I've been emptied out by my own greedy vanity. See I don't stay this young and beautiful just from fucking young boys like you, I have to choose my energy sources quite carefully- like I choose you. And all this time, you thought you chose me. Ha! Glamored are we, by these eyes, by these lips, by the centuries under my fangs- the very thing that's going to pierce through that nice skin of yours; through the first and second layer until I get straight into that artery. The best part is when your lifeforce starts to gush into my mouth, filling it so warm and sweet. Feeling that abundance of energy coursing through my veins like electricity through the tips of my fingers. It runs and courses through every fiber of my cold, lifeless being. And yet- you stay... my little life source pet. I've always just drained your kind until there was nothing left- nothing but another empty bag that just degenerates and rots away. Why prolong the inevitable? Why waste endless minutes, hours, and days of your life. You're nothing but cattle; food for me. Even a cow can be intelligent. You can teach a pet tricks and it will obey, but careful give it too much and it thinks it has rights- it thinks that it can actually think for itself. What a mistake... you're nothing but something for me to sink my teeth into. Before you know it, that little heart beat has faded and there is nothing left. But you don't mind fading, do you? Why would you. It's what you were meant for. That energy of yours- it cannot be destroyed but it CAN be consumed, digested and recycled right back into this universe. Creatures like me, succubus vampires, energy suckers, life voids, we enjoy sucking it all out of you. Maybe I might just be a pleasant cunt, and suck it out of the right place- letting you fill my mouth one last time feeling your heart beat out the tip of your cock.
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