With Dakota Charms! I shrunk you down and tied you in bondage because you sold me a lemon car. After walking a mile in these high heels, I used my magic for shrinking so you can be ass humiliated. Sitting on you, I'm ass grinding so you're deep in my ass crack. When I stand, your stuck to my sweaty ass and I break your arm when I let you drop down. you're useless but at least my boyfriend didn't beat you up. I can't hear your screams beneath my tight booty. Are you ass biting me? Jokes on you because I love asshole biting. It feels like ass tickling. Flicking your tiny penis, I could bite it off. Does gelding scare you more than my ass? Smell my sweaty crack and be a buttplug. I want my money and a new car or I will leave you in my asshole all day. Yelling and scolding feels good but you're staying in my whooty till I get what I want. OTHER KEYWORDS- giantess, shrinking fetish, amazons, ass fetish, ass humiliation, ass grinding, female domination, femdom, domination, brat girls, femdom brats, confrontation, pantyhose/stockings, whooty, white booty, humiliation, verbal humiliation, scolding fetish, #Femdom #Giantess #AssHumiliation #AssFetish #AssGrinding #DollFetish This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email TorveaCustoms@gmail.com
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