Men need women, whereas women use men, like you anyway. You are so weak for powerful women, so fragile which makes it easy to get what I want from you. I have so many tools of torment to use against you, which makes taking from you more pleasurable, therefore addicting because you want to keep repeating the experience. And that's exactly how men go broke for me. Watching my smoke brush past the arches of my feet makes you crumble it's too much for your little mind and that's when I take over. You can't turn away even though you know no I'm just using you, but you love giving in to me don't you? Although you never deserve to feel my soft skin, you are so turned on knowing something you've purchased could be, how desperately pathetic. Such a loser for power you've never had a woman takes so much control over you but it feels right. You were born to be used, taken from because you are inferior. Now do as you're told.
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