I had such a fantastic afternoon with friends, but I am afraid to say that I ate WAY too much cake. For some people, this wouldn't matter much, but for me, it's a matter of life or gassing someone out of existence. I know I shouldn't eat wheat products, but it's my birthday, so I decided to live a little! Boy was I going to pay for it. I was waiting around for my friends because we had plans to go out when I started getting almost violent stomach cramps. You know the kind. I decided to try and let all the farts out before our meet up time. Fart after fart, I was tooting up a flatulent storm! They were so loud and smelly, and I felt as if at any moment, I would burst from all the cake and subsequent gas! I tried to let it all out, but then I realized it's not just gas, but I had to go!
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