With Dakota Charms! I get into my shower and sensually rub oil over my body. My ass gets a lot of attention as I massage it onto each cheek. It glistens until I look wet. Dancing and teasing, I'm twerking and booty shaking. Sucking my finger in my mouth, I lick it with my tongue and show off my mouth before getting back to the ass teasing! Blowing a kiss goodbye, I will see you later! OTHER KEYWORDS- oil fetish, wet look, bikinis, cock tease, ass fetish, ass worship, twerking, ass shaking, booty shaking, ass tease, mouth fetish, tongue fetish, lips, lip fetish, finger fetish #GoddessWorship #WetLook #AssFetish #AssShaking #TongueFetish @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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