Hello! New patient, aren't you? Okay, I'm here for you, to listen to all your problems and try to solve them, of course with your help. I'm giving you the solutions while it's up to you to make the changes. You have to acknowledge that we work here, with your involvement and if you don't want to change, no therapist can help you. If you do really desire change and you're ready to do anything to obtain it, you have my involvement and help. I cannot personally change things in you, I'm not a wizard, I'm simply a therapist and a woman. I'll help you though see the path you should follow. Now, what's the matter? What brings you here? Sexual dissatisfaction? Oh, that's more common that you'd think. Is it your wife, she doesn't satisfy you? Oh, it's you who doesn't feel attracted to her anymore. But why? Has she changed? Oh, boring. I think she didn't change on the inside, I think it's just routine. Oh, and she got fat? Oh, you mean a few pounds more. I'm sure that if you talk to her about it in an appropriate manner, trying not to belittle or, god forbid, insult her, you may get a positive response, she may start doing healthy activities and she'll become again the woman you loved. What do you mean you don't want to try save your marriage and you intend to cheat on her? Mister, it's not for a therapist to say that, but you're a PIG! Yeas, a P I G. You know what? I'm a therapist so I'll offer you some solutions: I have a solution that implies both cheating and not cheating on your wife. To make the offer better, it ends with you cumming. But, don't forget, you're a PIG, so I'll make you eat it all after you cum. Deal?
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