MINDWASH PART 1- The first step in this 2 part series is completely accepting that you are a beta male. You are pathetic and weak. You will NEVER be considered an Alpha. After watching this clip and repeating all of my affirmations, each morning when you wake up, you will instantly remember that you are an inferior little beta bitch. Each night before you go to bed, you will be reminded that you are NOT a real man, just a weak worthless loser. If these thoughts ever begin to fade, simply rewatch the clip to strengthen the effect. It is crucial that you watch Part 2 next. Once you have accepted that you are a beta loser, you now need to accept that you don’t deserve pussy. EVER. This is the most important part of the session, and was my intended goal from the beginning… to keep losers pussy-free for life. You don’t deserve it.
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