Violet is back and ready for another training session. First she is programmed with a suggestion to freeze on command. When she hears "freeze" she freezes, when she hears "go" she continues what she was doing as if nothing ever happened. Then she is given a suggestion to feel outgoing and flirtatious. She starts hitting on her trainer, while still reacting to the "freeze" command. Her next suggestion is to compulsively play with her breasts. She tries to have a normal conversation but can't keep her hands off of herself. The stakes are raised when the suggestion is changed and she finds herself compulsively rubbing her pussy. After that, she is made to feel powerful waves of pleasure coming from her trainers hands. As he waves her hand over her body she squeals with joy. The sensation is more intense over bare skin and she is eager to take off her clothes to experience it. She can barely stand the sensation of his hand hovering over her bare pussy. She is given a collar and told to put it on. All of her pleasurable thoughts and sensations are anchored to it. And she is given suggestions to amplify all her feeling of pleasure while wearing the collar. As she is instructed to touch herself she can't believe how amazing it feels. She gets more and more excited, but still responds to the "freeze" command. Finally she brings herself to an earth-shattering orgasm she'll never forget. She's already eager to come back and have another erotic training experience. A Velvet Dungeon vid.
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