MYSTI MOUNTAINS has a visit with DR. NORMA STITZ today, the reason for the appointment is to discuss her expansion that is taking over her life. Now please understand, this woman is just the opposite of DR. NORMA STITZ who massive big tits are expanding as I write up this report, MYSTI MOUNTAINS butt is expanding daily as well. That is a good thing for DR. NORMA STITZ because she is the expanding doctor, that love to see growth, it is like a plant that never stop growing just give it water. DR. NORMA STITZ shares some moves she can do to shift the weight of that big butt and lotion the butt up. AT THE END OF THE VISIT DR. NORMA STITZ NOTICE THE EXPANDING BELLY THAT IS PUSHING OUT. WILL IT BE BUTT OR BELLY WE WILL SEE WHAT'S IN STORE FOR MYSTI MOUNTAINS.
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