Nice to see you again, glad to see you're back for more treatment concerning your addictions. Your wife thinks you're coming here to stop your addiction to smoking, but what she doesn't understand is it is a part of you it will never go away, but it can be altered. You'll no longer be turned on by women smoking because I'm going to to fix your addiction to benefit me as I do with all the men I see. You'll be obsessed with watching smoke pour from my red lips, I'll be the only smoking that gets you hard. Naturally meaning you'll be back again and again just to get a glimpse of me and to feed your growing addiction to me. In your wife's eyes your addiction will be healed but as soon as that door closes and it's just you and me boom it will be back every time. I have the power to get inside your mind and rewire it as I choose and it will always profit me
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