Sapphire has found you in Matron’s room hiding behind the screen. She can tell straight away how you are just a weak pathetic loser, and that you are nothing but a dirty pervert from St Hugh’s trying to perv on the girls. So she calls you out and tells you how dirty she is after playing hickey, her whole body has got so very warm & very sweaty. She tells you to sniff her sweaty armpits, which you do without question showing her that you are the loser she thought you were. As she slowly slips off her slutty gym kit & lingerie she makes you smell all of her intimate areas, those that will have got warmest, sweatiest & stinkiest! You are made to bury your noise in her cleavage, her panty gusset and even her ass hole. You obey Sapphire’s every command like a loyal little lap . Better still she knows that you will easily become addicted to her scent, which means she will control you entirely. Finally she peels off her warm sweaty socks and makes you smell her very hot sticky feet, and now knowing you are completely addicted to her and her scent she goes on to explain how you will become her slave and she will be in touch when she needs your services!
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