I’m relaxing in a lovely apartment, and making myself a nice cup of tea :) I’m wearing a striped multi coloured jumper, my shapely legs are bare, on my cute little feet I have on my white high top sneakers, and I’m tightly strapped into a beautiful Tena Slip Maxi. The kitchen is very chic and modern, and the bright lighting really shows off my Tena Slip Maxi in all its glory :) I make sure the kettle is full and turn it on, and as I wait for the water to boil, I pass the time by playing with my phone whilst cheekily stroking my padded crotch ;) Then I pop a tea bag into a cup and pour in the hot water, which seems to trigger my bladder before I’ve even taken a sip of tea! I let nature take its course as I’m standing in the middle of the kitchen with my legs shoulder width apart, and all at once a warm stream spills out of me into my Tena Slip Maxi :D I turn around so that my bum is facing the camera and let the stream continue to flow, and you can clearly hear it making its way into my plastic. When I’m finished, and the Tena Slip Maxi is nice and soggy, I’m free to enjoy my cup of tea. And the squelching sensations coming from the wet plastic is going to make it taste all the sweeter :D
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