THIS IS A CUSTOM CLIP, PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR OWN CUSTOM VIDEO. RealVickyVixxx @ Gmail.com Dancer is doing a V-Log. We see that she's listening to a voice mail from Vicky and isn't very happy about it. She complains that much of Vicky's success is because of her and yet here she is sitting at home while Vicky goes out partying. Dancer has decided that she's had enough and begins to address the camera directly. She has plans for Vicky, she ALWAYS had plans because she's a special sort of Genie. One that will grant wishes in exchange for a simple request from her master. She agreed to help Vicky with her video business in various ways from costumes to ideas, and all she asked for in return was a little 'taste of humanity'. "Of course, she didn't think anything of it. I guess it was too subtle." Dancer reveals a potion and reveals that she will have Vicky complete her end of their contract tonight.Vicky stumbles into her room and looks tired. She calls for Dancer but does not get any answer. She lays down in bed and complains about a migraine. She then notices something next to her bed; a note from Dancer and an inconspicuous liquid. The note reads like a passive aggressive love letter, I guess implying the two have a close relationship, and that since she knew Vicky would come back hungover she prepared something special to help her get to ZZZzzz. Throwing caution to the wind Vicky gulpss the bottle and lulls into ZZzzz shortly after."Hey Bae..how are you feeling?"Dancer says off screen and the camera is focused on Vicky from the shoulders up. Vicky is half awake and mumbles some replies to Dancer, who is framed as a giantess themed POV. They make small talk back and forth, and eventually Dancer asks if she enjoyed her last night out. Vicky is confused but Dancer clarifies that it's a special occasion as her new life starts today. What's the start of a new day without breakfast, right? Vicky asks what's on the menu and Dancer sheepishly replies "Oh...just you." Vicky's eyes open as the camera pans out (can this be done? If not from here the camera would be shot as if from Dancer's POV) and notices that she's bound at the wrist and ankles. Or not. Something to show she's not going to be escaping any time soon. The potion Vicky drank has caused her to shrink. Vicky wants to know if Dancer is joking around. She's not. Dancer is mocking Vicky, her legs are crossed and her foot danging close to the camera. Vicky would reply "Maybe we got off on the wrong foot...we're sole mates, right?" Dancer asks if she felt that way she wouldn't have shunned her from the sweet life she had been living. "But I understand, it's business right? I know all about that. You should too! After all, you agreed to this." Vicky's confused until Dancer pulls a sheet of paper and points out she agreed to give Dancer a 'taste of humanity' as payment for her services. Vicky tries to change the subject by suggesting different breakfast meals instead like pancakes or fritata but Dancer just muses about how good Vicky would taste inside each. Eventually Dancer reaches for the camera and now (if possible) Vicky's camera is showing her upside down, as if she's being held up by her legs. If not it'd just be the upper part of her body implying she's being grabbed."You don't want to do this!""Wow, even more proof you don't know me that well.""OK OK I get it! You're mad, but that's no reason to eat me...right?""I've already made up my mind, sweetie.""Can't you just..I don't know...think of all the things you could use me for. Eating me would be a waste""Like what? Stick you in an enchanted pleasure toy? This is a PUNISHMENT. You aren't supposed to enjoy it.""Who says I will? We won't know until we try and there's a first time for everything.""How about being eaten alive? You've never done that before
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