"I know what you're up to evil vampire. And I'm here to stop you. I know that you've hurt so many people, and kept women to do what you what. I know all about the trances you put women in to keep them as your wives. What do you use? Your eyes? There's no way I would ever fall for that. I've been trained. There's nothing special about your eyes anyway..." I start to glaze over as I gaze into your eyes. I try to fight it, pretending that nothing is effecting me. But every time I look back into your eyes I start to fall back under. Finally I give in and close my eyes. When I wake up, I feel bothered by my clothes and start to take them all off. Once all of my clothes are off, I wake completely up and freak out! Why am I naked with you?! I start to go under your trance again as I gaze into your eyes once more. This time I fight it, knowing whats coming. But my efforts are futile. I fall back under again. This time, I am filled with happiness and beg you to bite me. I want to feel your fangs in me. I beg for it and offer my neck. As soon as your teeth leave me, I wake up once more to a fresh vampire bite. You can see that I'm scared, so you put me under one final time. This time I fight as hard as I possibly can. But again, I give into your memorization. This time, I feel sexually stimulated as your vampire venom races through my veins. I beg to become one of your wives and pleasure you every day of your life.
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