11-17-2019 - NSFW video - (( ripped blue undies )).mp4 --- 11-17-2019 - NSFW video - (( ripped blue undies ))_MV_TEASER_1080p_ONLY__v4.mp4 --- PS: --- can't play my videos??? maybe cus they're 4k or 4k60 ??? --- video a black screen?? not playing??? --- sorry blame manyvids, i literally can't do anything other than say fuckit to 4k :shrug: --- but they said they'd forward it to their dev team as a great idea to make it more like youtube and let us peasants run at lower resolutions instead of just make it broken for people using old devices (like older ipads) rippppppp --- Yes, i know --- anywaysssss hereeeee's this. --- also money says 24/60 = 14.99/hr + $3.00 = says i should pay $8.99, so yeah it's fair i'd say. :smirk: --- coughcough am i sharing my business secrets?! :THINK idk maybe this note is just for me --- <br> doesn't work either so this is just a wall of text anyway ---
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