I’m on a stunning part of the British coastline, and I’m badly in need of a change :) I’m wearing a striped dress, a white shirt over the top tied in a pretty knot at the bottom, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on a thin pair of grey socks and my black Adidas sneakers. Underneath my dress is an extremely soggy ID Slip :) The sun is just beginning to set, and as I stand on some rocks next to the sea and admire the beautiful view, I can’t resist lifting up my dress to cheekily expose my ID Slip to the breeze :D The setting sun is casting me and my plastic in a gorgeous light, and the ID Slip is so full and bulky that I really don’t think it can take much more! I walk along the beach, flashing my ID Slip all the way, and when I come across a public observation tower, the opportunity is just too good to pass up ;) I enter the tower and place the camera on the floor so that you get a great view of my crotch, and then I take off my sneakers and unfasten and remove the soggy ID Slip, holding it close to the camera for your inspection. I slip on a fresh new Drynites pullup, which is brilliant for sneaky outdoor changes like this, and straight away I get a huge kick from how comfortable and crinkly it feels :D I put my sneakers back on, and now I’m ready to continue exploring the stunning beach like the cheeky scamp I am :D
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