Well, I've been sweet enough to allow you to be my puppy yesterday, and I trained you into sitting, begging and barking properly. So I think today it's time for something a little more fun. Like being my pony, for example! That's right, little pet! I want to be walked around the room and entertained tonight! And I'm gonna be carried on your back, all while you follow my instructions and make sure you don't disappoint me. Remember, things are pretty simple with me - you do what I say, you get rewarded! You're a bad boy and do/say something dumb, then you get punished. So let's see how well you'll perform! I have a couple of treats and some water to offer, but you'll only get them if you're a good pony. So, do you think you're up for a challenge. I'm not that heavy after all, but I'm pretty tall, so it won't be easy...but you'll do anything to impress, won't you?
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