So, you're the guy who just proposed to my sister huh? As you know, we're twins. I can practically read her mind - I was born first, and to be honest I usually know what she wants better than she does. Truth is, we've both always been highly sexual. She just doesn't talk about it as much as me. You know she's been engaged twice before, right? Yeah. The reason it never got further than being engaged is me. I mean, sure, your cock is fine now and I bet you can make her cum just fine but you two have been dating for what, a year? If you want to marry my sister you better show me that you're not a one trick pony. You need to be able to make her cum with your mouth too if you're going to keep her happy once the honeymoon glow wears off. Luckily, we're wired more or less the same. Why don't you get down on your knees and show me what you've got? You have five minutes to prove you deserve to keep her.
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