I’m in a lovely apartment, enjoying some relaxing me-time :) I’m wearing a pink strappy top, my shapely legs are bare, on my cute little feet I have on a pair of turquoise socks, and I’m tightly strapped into a gorgeous pink DC Amor. I’ve turned on the bedside lamp to create a warm, cozy atmosphere, and now I’m taking it easy on the soft bed, and enjoying the feeling of the fresh white duvet pressing against my pink plastic :) I take a face mask out of the packet and put it on my face, before taking a swig of water to top up my bladder ;) Whilst the face mask is on, moisturising my skin, I get onto my knees, and rub some moisturising lotion into my legs, to give them some attention too. By now I’m feeling ever so relaxed, and with my bladder full and my body tension free, my bladder suddenly empties all by itself :D A lovely warm stream flows into my DC Amor, and as it steadily fills, the crotch expands and the whole thing gets heavier! After I’m empty, I decide to watch some cute videos on my phone, but I wriggle around and change position on the bed as I do so, to take advantage of my squelching plastic ;) By now my face mask is ready to come off…which is more than can be said for my soggy DC Amor ;)
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