It’s a lovely day and I’m out having a walk in the park :) I’m wearing a black dress, a snuggly pink jumper over the top, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on a pair of Hello Kitty socks which I have pulled right up, and my white pumps. And underneath my dress I have on something else that’s extremely cute and adorable too…a very soggy Tena Slip Maxi ;) As I make my way along the path, I pan the camera over my body to show myself off, before taking a seat on a bench. It’s a good opportunity to have a rest and take the weight off my feet…and of course, it allows me to hitch the bottom of my dress up and expose my wet Tena Slip Maxi to the breeze ;) As you can see, it looks so padded and bulky, and the wetness indicator has completely changed colour…which isn’t really surprising, considering all the moisture it’s holding! I can’t resist giving the crotch a cheeky little stroke, before crossing my legs and leaning to one side so that I can show off the Tena Slip Maxi from a different angle :) I’m being such a cheeky scamp, and I get a big kick from knowing that another walker might come along and spot me at any moment :D I then stand up and carry on my walk, heading across the grass. I keep my dress hitched up slightly higher than normal, so that the bottom of my Tena Slip Maxi is visible. Well, I’m having far too much fun to keep it covered up ;)
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