Hello everyone! Here's a new set for you all... First of all, i would like to apologize for the lack of inspiration this week, i had some costume sets planned for the rest of this month, but due to some personal problems i couldn't go to my little studio this week, i was stuck at home this Thursday so i had to make do... :( This past couple of weeks have been a bit hard for me, i've been working on the weekends as well for the last couple of months so i've been a bit busy and tired, but i know that's not an excuse, so i still wanted to upload something decent, and i'm really hoping you'll like it. I used a chocolate brown nail polish on my little toes, i had never used this color before and i must say i really like it! :) This set consist of "beauty shots", you know, just modeling my pretty little feet for you all, there isn't really a theme, i'm just showing you all how pretty my little toes look with this color... ;)
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