Join kinkysplash and save yourself a ton of cash! For just $29.99 a month you can get videos like this plus 2 video updates per WEEK like this one plus bonus videos and picture sets.Get even bigger discounts for signing up for longer. A sneaky little person recently saw a ton of seaweed washed up on the beach and had the bright idea of daring me to go in it. Never one to pass on a dare I reluctantly agreed. This dare is not only totally disgusting but absolutely freezing and incredibly embarrassing due to being on a popular beach with walkers. Don't let the sunshine fool you, the temperature is Baltic. I quickly strip down to my one piece swimsuit to build up my confidence to get in. Standing on the edge of the shore right next to the seaweed I wonder if I can actually go through with it. People are watching and the seaweed feels horribly slimy on my feet. Of course I can do it! I wade in sliding through the slippery seaweed going all the way under the water popping up with it all over my face. I spend a while rolling and playing around in it, dunking my head under again before the cold gets too much for me and I run out. All the time there's people on the shore laughing and wondering what the hell I'm doing. Im just hoping no one I know has seen me lol!
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