In the future, a scientist has created an Artifical Intelligence hardware which can physically embed itself into any article of slime. Whether it was a jelly of some sort or even a toy slime, the scientist could install this AI into a slime by injecting or pouring said chemical onto/into a body of slime. This chemical, Sentient Slime Water, abbreviated as SSW, was embedded with a number of nanorobots, each of which were dependent on a central nanorobot to control the other nanobots. Whatever the nanorobots were able to do, the slime would follow. He had the idea to commercialize the product as a sex toy - except it was a lot more than just a toy. After installing this AI into any slime of your choosing, you effectively had a breathing, thinking, and one incredibly kinky companion at your bidding, 24/7. From gooey, sticky, slimy sex, to long walks on the beach, there's really no way to tell the difference between the nanobots and an actual slime girl. But if you had access to these sentient nanobots, would you really care about the difference between the two?
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