You come home from work and sit down to relax and chill out with me, your girlfriend. I chat to you about my day - silly things, like how I picked up this giant mug from the second hand store in town. Normally it's not the kind of thing I'd buy second hand but it's HUGE and perfect for holding heaps of coffee! It does make things taste a little odd, but I'm sure once it's been washed a bit more that'll fade. I keep chatting to you, but I'm feeling a little odd. Weird headspins, and suddenly my clothes feel very tight. I go to get some water in my mug, hoping it'll help but by the time I come back to the couch my clothes are tighter still. You start to notice you're having to tilt your head up to look me in the eye. Something weird is definitely going on! By the time I realise what's happening I think I must be over 7' tall! My head is brushing the roof!
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