25 Days of Fetishes, a series. - There is not much I can say to you, I wanted us to have more fun together and have a good relationship but I have to tell you the hard truth. Your dick is disgusting and I could not feel anything. Since we are in the Holidays season, I wanted you to to give me the gift of locking your dick, forever. Yes, forever is the amount of time I want your cock locked. I am sure no one has ever told you this before, and it is hard for me to tell you this too, but you should not have the audacity of having this little thing free, we all know that tiny dicks should be locked. Men with little dicklets serve, they serve to compensate the fact that their dicks are not useful, so I just wanted you to think about it, for the sake of our relationship. You have no need of using your cock, you will soon realize that there is more to life than depending on your small penis, your life will be about pleasing me, about knowing your place and let me get fucked by a REAL man and not a project of a man like you. I humiliate you until the end and make it very clear where your place is.
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