Down underneath my desk while I work all day. There to do clean up of anything I tell you to while I work and watch hardcore porn. Get your face right here in my crotch while I touch myself to this porn made for straight men like myself. Your mouth is a waste receptacle. After you clean up cum from the floor you sit right there ready to lap up every bit of my piss, so I don’t have to move. Think about your pathetic life. You’re the slave to a STRAIGHT man?! You will live life wanting something you’ll never have yet here you are. You’re the definition of pathetic. I’m watching these beautiful females going at it on porn describing why you’re not normal by any means to not be into something like that. Making you spread your legs to get tormented your useless cock that will never receive pleasure. Get right up underneath my bulge and take a nice big whiff. There are so many different types of faggots out there, what kind of faggot are you? Let’s talk about it while I light up a smoke and get ready to use that trash mouth as my ashtray. AFTER I GET TIRED OF LOOKING AT YOU IT’S TIME FOR YOU TO GET YOUR HEAD DOWN AND START CLEANING THAT CUM OFF THE FLOOR FAGGOT! I put my size 13 boot on your head and push you down there to clean up. Now lift that piss pot face up so I can piss all over it and use you what you’re good for.
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