Anastasia and Akira are studying together on a couch or bed. They are very close friends who enjoy each other's company. Akira has had a secret crush on Anastasia but hasn't been able to share that as she's afraid of how Anastasia would react. Anastasia casually looks up the time and is upset at how late it is. Akira offers to rest in her bed for the night. Anastasia agrees, and confides in Akira a fantasy she has. (I honestly have no idea how this conversation would go without it seemingly popping from nowhere). Anastasia says she's had a fantasy of being in a deep rest while another person would breathe for her, make out with her, maybe grope her breasts a bit as well. She would also want makeup applied to her face and posed as if in a casket. She gets a little reserved as she describes this, but Akira is excited. Anastasia notices, and asks if Akira would help her achieve this fantasy. Akira agrees, and Anastasia leaves to get ready for bed. Later on, Akira approaches Anastasia whose already in a deep rest, a sheet is covering her. Akira removes the sheet to find Anastasia nude. Akira wastes no time in also stripping nude herself. She leans in close to Anastasia's face, and starts to gently kiss her. Her soft lips feel nice on Akira's lips. Anastasia doesn't stir, and is as motionless as possible. Akira is turned on, and remembers what else Anastasia wants. She proceeds to breathe for Anastasia for several breaths, breathing into Anastasia's mouth slowly, and watching her chest gently rise and fall. When Akira get's tired of that, she gropes a breast and makes out a bit more. Akira begins to get tired, so she grabs her makeup bag and begins applying makeup to Anastasia's face. Foundation, eyeshadow, lipstick, blush, etc. She gives Anastasia a last kiss goodnight before posing her as if she was in a casket. The video ends with pans of her body.
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