Your last orgasm in the home of a sexual maniac Сustomer wrote: You're wearing a short dress with your legs showing, you're barefoot. Your hair is down and you have minimal makeup on. I love your lips so please only wear plain lipstick. I met you on a night out and you have taken me back to yours. I'm lay on your bed naked already when you walk into the room and straddle me on the bed. You instantly grasp my dick with your hand and start jerking me off about 2 minutes in you suck my dick for 1 minute until i unexpectedly cum in your mouth. You laugh at how easy it was to make me cum and get off me, leaving me in my own mess on the bed. You reach into a drawer and pull out a large kitchen kn44ife. Leaving the kn44ife on the side you tie your hair up into a long ponytail, you put on some latex gloves and take the kn44ife. You walk over to me on the bed and straddle me again. I'm paralysed by my orgasm that I can't stop you from bringing the kn44ife up with both hands and plunging it into my lower chest. You drag the kn44ife down to my stomach. Once you reach my lower abdomen you giggle and told me how you have 'opened me up'. You pull the knif44e out realistically and st44ab me another 6 or 7 times before the last one pierces my heart and everything fades to black.
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