dec 8, 2019Stream and Download1.38 GB09m52sFHD

When I tell you to beg for the pleasure and the privilege of tasting my spit, you will obey. When I tell you to open your mouth and catch my spit, you will obey. Anything for a chance to please Me, isn't that right? BOW4JESSE Markup 10% - CODE: Jes49632 WORSHIPJESSE Markup 20% - CODE: Jes43084 BEG4JESSE Markup 50% - CODE: Jes65789 PRAY2JESSE Markup 75% - CODE: Jes52213 DOUBLE4JESSE Markup 100% - CODE: Jes81918 SPOILJESSE Markup 500% - CODE: Jes16827 GIVEJESSEALL Markup 1000% - CODE: Jes87173

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