Subliminal programming to amplify your dominant nature and make you more confident. Special thanks to Mystery Meat who joined my Patreon after this was edited but before I uploaded it. Affirmations include; I am confident I am dominant I am a boss I get what I want easily and effortlessly People want to obey me I am courageous I am a powerful creator I sculpt my reality My desires are made real I trust my intuition I make wise decisions I am focused on my goals I am dominant I am strong I am sexy I am desirable I bend reality to my will I am living to my full potential I get everything I want I am beautiful I am in charge I am open minded I am supportive I make safe choices I am calm I am self-assured I am powerful I have a positive outlook I get what i want effortlessly I am grateful I am thankful I am happy I am confident I am sexy I am a dominant badass I love my dominance I love my confidence I love my health I love my sexiness I love the way people obey my commands I have energy I enjoy nourishing food My body heals quickly and easily I am the alpha I am dominant I am always relaxed and calm I am assertive I am powerful Others know how power I am I am self-assured My confidence is rock solid People are naturally attracted to me My personality is magnetic I am confident in all social situations I am totally secure in myself I speak with authority I am a natural born leader Dominance is my natural right People love how assertive and dominant I am Others look up to me for my strength of character I am sexy I am healthy I am content I am highly respected I make others feel safe and secure I keep others safe If you like my channel, make sure you hit the like button, subscribe, and ring the bell. If you want to go above and beyond and help support the making of videos like this one, please subscribe to my
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