There have been some interesting developments for Mom today and she is eager to share them with you. She knows you will be a little shocked to hear what she has to say, but she goes ahead and tells you anyhow. To start, Mom describes how horny she was and her overwhelming urge to masturbate nonstop. She describes how her clit got harder and bigger the more she rubbed it. However, when she finally stopped playing for a bit of a breather, Mom was shocked by what she saw when she looked down. Mom's clit turned into a big fat dick! But, growing a cock has not curbed Mom's horniness. If anything, it has made her all the more horny and she has to perfect solution to finally satisfy this desire of hers. The answer is you! Mom wants you suck her and then let her take you up the ass. Will you help Mommy out? Are you ready to be pegged by futa Mom? Clip contains: Mom grows a dick and wants to fuck you with it - futanari Mommy - pegged by Mom - pov pegging - taboo - futa
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