A 10 clip with a pregnant/ burping theme. It would be a bit of a role play, non nude, you wearing like a tank top and tight yoga pants from before you were pregnant so your stomach sticks out on full display. As much detail as you see fit and in a more loving kind of spouse attitude knowing that I enjoy it. 1.The whole video would be me finding that you have indulged in pregnancy cravings all day while I worked and now you can’t stop burping. 2. You would waddle into view, rubbing your belly, burping and complaining you have gas. Just you complaining how full and big you are while rubbing your stomach and burping, being interrupted by burping and finding it hard to move around with your stuffed and pregnant belly. 3. Talking about how you can’t stop eating and gaining weight. Saying things like you just eat too much and how you’re stuffed and bloated thanks to your cravings. Pretend you were very thin and flat chested before getting pregnant. Showing me how big you are getting everywhere and where all the weight is going (like your belly, butt, breasts and thighs) while telling me how full of gas you are from eating so much. Showing off your belly and size from different angles (profile, front view, sitting, standing). A lot of focus on you burping uncontrollably and telling me about your pregnant belly being bloated and gassy. Rubbing your belly and complaining about gas pains while telling me how you just can't stop eating and have gained so much weight that everyone thinks you must be overdue when they see your stuffed belly. Showing and telling me how you’ve gotten so big that you can’t bend over anymore and when you sit down you have to keep your legs spread to make room for your huge full belly. Talking about how every time you go out to dinner, you have to waddle out looking ready to pop with your belly sticking out and burping loudly. If you could puff out your cheeks at one point while talking about how big you're getting, that would be fantastic. I would like the video to end with you waddling and burping off screen.
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