Fully nude they go at it. Many rounds, pinning each other, heavy weighted Milf may not be a match for the quicker younger lesbian. They go at it, dominating, showing strength and weaknesses. One is clearly loosing, and growing frustrated winded, and tired. To gain the upper hand, she begins to fight dirty. Yanking hand fulls of pubic hair. Once the dirty style begins she takes the lead, begins winning the rounds, until the opposite decides to there are no rules now, and uses the pube pulls along with her already winning abilities to dominate the round, pinning the other, sliding up and sitting on her face. While still yanking her pubs. Loser is begging for her to stop, cries out and refuses to admit defeat. The yanking continues until she complies, and accepts the punishment of loosing. Which is eating pussy, while the other remains faceting upon her, and as she eats, the winner yanks and controls how well she eats. If she wants it fast she yanks and the loser squeals, if she wants it deeper she yanks some more. Finally after a satisfying winners facesitting orgasm, she extends into a power pose, demanding the loser to admit her loss and dirty skills. Once again she refuses and has her pubes yanked more while she cries out, until she finally relents and announces her loss!
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