Join kinkysplash and save yourself a ton of cash! For just $29.99 a month you can get videos like this plus 2 video updates per WEEK like this one plus bonus videos and picture sets.Get even bigger discounts for signing up for longer. So who's heard of Wim Hof and his method of cold therapy? I figured its got to be a good exercise for me doing lots of Kinky Splash shooting, so I decided to give it a go. Besides its supposed to be good for you anyway right? On a freezing cold, wintery November day I give the Wim Hof method a go in my teeny, tiny garden (if you can even call it a garden!). I am sporting a white Kinky Splash crop top, because I thought you might enjoy seeing my tits go super hard once the material goes see though, and some itsy bitsy bikini bottoms, so you can see the goose bumps all over my bottom. I get hosed off for 15 minutes (on/off) while posing around in the garden like I was on a modelling shoot in open toed heels. During this time I am squealing and wiggling all whilst trying to stay cool (cool dude cool, not cold cool haha!). I sit on a chair after being hosed down, trying to warm up my poor freezing toes before asking for a glass of wine, which I think I deserve after all that. Teeth chattering against the wine glass I contemplate whether that was a good idea or not.
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