My new boyfriend is an absolute gem. He knows what kind of gifts to give me, and he proves his devotion this Christmas with an incredible treat. I am presented with a little box and have no idea what's inside. I shake it a little, and there seems to be something in it making faint noises. What could it be? I then open it up and find what appears to be a tiny little pudgy man dressed as an elf! It is you, my ex-boyfriend! My new beaux had sent a service after you to find you, shrink you down, and make you the perfect Holiday treat. The best part is, is that whatever they have been feeding you makes you taste like the most magnificent holiday cookies, candies, and treats. With each lick and taste, I get the whole package. I plop you in my mouth to inspect further and roll you around my tongue, making sure not to swallow your mini man goodness. It's just so delightful! I take you out, but I eventually can't wait any longer. I have to eat you and feel your tasty goodness in my giantess's belly. I guess I am eating the ex for Xmas, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
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