Darling, come over here for a second. While your father is away he has asked me to make sure your do well in your exams and help with your homework. I know he usually helps but my method is a little different. See, your big exam is today and I have a feeling that you are prone to getting a bit distracted. It's just your age, darling. It's so common among boys with their hormones running high - anything remotely sexy will send you into a tailspin, unable to concentrate on anything. I found those magazines under your bed while I cleaned your room - looks like you're pretty fond of big tits. As it happens, I still have a pretty fantastic rack myself. Here's what I thought might help - we'll milk your balls together, getting as much cum out as possible before your exam so you have a fighting chance of making it through without being distracted. Take off your pants and let me help... Whoa! Guess you do have a lot in common with your Dad apart from a love of big tits. Your cock is huge! Come here and give my nice firm tits a squeeze, that's right. See how much better real breasts are than the ones on a page? Mmm, cumming already. I think you can go at least once more dear - that's the nice thing about young men. So much stamina!
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