My bf and I were getting ready for Halloween, and he had been feeding me candy all day long. I love candy, too. I love milk chocolate and anything with sugar, but there's one problem. My body doesn't process sugar very well, so I end up getting super gassy! I think he knew this, though, since he sat there and watched as I decorated and let my farts rip, and rip they did. I couldn't help it! I had been trying to hold it in all day but to no avail. I had to let the farts out. I could see by the look on my boyfriend's face that this is precisely what he had planned. Load me up with sugar and watch me rip ass. It was practically every time I bent over all this flatulence just billowing out and in his direction until I felt like I had to Go! I have a feeling it is going to be a gas-o-ween this year!
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