This week we revisit an enlightening conversation with John C. Luna about urethral sounding. Get ready to have all your questions answered– What exactly is urethral sounding? Why do people do it? How do people do it? Is it safe? Does it hurt? Why does it scare the bejeezus out of me? Why does it also sound hot AF? And what exactly do urethras even sound like anyway? We also discuss advanced play with tuning forks and electricity, what to do if you’re scarred from kidney stones, plus John shares a few cringey urethral sounding mishap stories and tells us about some of the most unbelievable, extreme urethral play he’s seen. Sunny also clears up some pervasive misinformation about silicone lube and lube/condom compatibility. Show Notes: http://sunnymegatron.com/urethral-sounding-silicone-lube-latex-condoms/ americansexpodcast.com Sex with Sunny Megatron on Showtime TV sho.com/sex-with-sunny-megatron
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