Join kinkysplash and save yourself a ton of cash! For just $29.99 a month you can get videos like this plus 2 video updates per WEEK like this one plus bonus videos and picture sets.Get even bigger discounts for signing up for longer. What a lovely swim, time to slowly head back to the car. Taking my time I head back to get changed out of my wetsuit whilst poking around the sand picking up pretty stones and shells. I stop after spotting something rather strange looking in the sand. What is it? It looks disgusting! I poke it a bit before realizing its a gross tiny little man! Ew what are you doing here? Why are you so gross and tiny? Its fun to tease you about squishing or eating you, so I play around with you for a bit. I'm trying to decide whether to bite off your head and swallow you all up or to just squash you under my sandy toes. After licking you with my giant tongue I realize you taste horrendous so place you down onto the sand so I can put on my fins to stamp on you with. Don't be scared it wont hurt…..much!
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